Monday, July 26, 2010

How can my driving style improve my fuel efficiency?

"Every driver can save fuel and money and help preserve the environment," says Dr. Wolfgang Hennig, an environmental engineer for Ford Europe. Here's how:

1- Anticipate traffic situations. Maintain a consistent, safe, speed, and accelerate and brake smoothly. Don't pump the accelerator only to slam the brakes a few seconds later.

2- Keep an eye not only on your speedometer but also on your tachometer. A lower engine speed means lower fuel consumption.

3- When you're idling, you're getting zero mpg. If you're waiting for our kids at school or paused at a drive-through window, turn off the engine.

4- If you're traveling faster than 50 mph, close your windows--even if you need to put the air conditioning on. Keeping them open will increase aerodynamic drag.

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