Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jen and Chanda + the Ford Focus Rally

Locals, Jen Watkins and Chanda Gunter are finalists on the new

Ford is teaming up with the Emmy Award-winning creators of The Amazing Race to create Focus Rally: America. This will be the first real-time interactive road rally starring the new Ford Focus.

Consumers will be able to engage with Focus Rally: America in three ways: watching the show on Hulu™, becoming fans and followers of the rally teams on Facebook and actively playing along in challenges to support their favorite team. Not only can you follow along in real time, but you will also have the ability to impact the outcome of the game.
The rally will feature six teams of two people competing against one another to complete tasks in a challenging cross-country road rally adventure to win a $100,000 grand prize plus 10 new Focuses for fans and supporters of the winning team.

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